and MacXperts
Devonport | Auckland
021622815 or karl@cgc.co.nz
Open Monday-Friday 8:30am-5.00pm, Sat 10.00-12.00

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iPhone IOS 14.4 guide - Intermediate
Course Price
Course length
60 mins

About the course
Basic guide on how to efficiently use your iphone With the new operating system.
- Adding widgets
- Add or remove home screens
- Translate app
- Avoid full-screen calls
- Use picture in picture mode
- Pin conversations
- Group conversations
- Plan a cycle trip
- Accessibility features
- Block data usage on specific apps
- change the “ respond with text” defaults
- clear app memory
- close all tabs in safari
- enable the “ speak selection” feature
- enhancing photos
- guided access
- how to charge your phone very quickly
- make the LED flash blink for alerts
- open bubble level tool
- syncing notes
- read timestamps in iMessage
- turn off message previews
- turn on / off flashlight